What is your role in Springfield Public Schools?
Jarrett Middle School 6th grade Science
How many years have you been with the district?
Approximately 23 years.
What is one of your favorite memories throughout your time with SPS?
In the days before air conditioning at Rountree Elementary, we always had our windows open and fans running every spring and fall. One spring, a bird flew into the room across the hall from me. The teacher decided she would remove the students from the classroom and then call for bird removal assistance. She opened her classroom door and the first one out was the bird. It flew directly across the hall and into my room. I heard the commotion and as I turned to see what was happening, the bird was flying straight for my head. I dove to the floor as my kids began to scream. The teacher told me they were having so much fun with it in their classroom, she just wanted to share. (The bird eventually flew out my windows.)
What is something you will miss about SPS?
Influencing students to choose a career in Science.
What advice would you like to share with those who are not retiring this year?
All the long nights, worry, and sacrifices are worth it. Hang in there. You’ll be surprised at how fast your career goes.