Pick-a-Project is the Foundation for Springfield Public Schools’ online, crowdfunding platform for SPS teachers, educators, coaches and staff to support educational programs and projects.


  • Projects must align with Springfield Public Schools guidelines.
  • Projects must be approved by applicant’s principal and/or department head. 
  • Applicants must be a certified SPS employee (teacher, nurse, coach, etc.). 
  • Projects must have a specific fundraising goal and end date for fundraising.
  • Items must be purchased through district approved vendors.  
  • Applicants must explain their plan to use the donations, in the event full funding is not raised. 
  • Donations made to Pick-a-Project are tax deductible, and donors will receive a donation receipt from the Foundation for SPS.


If you have questions regarding Pick-a-Project, please contact Lori Finke at the Foundation Office at 523-0024, or email lfinke@spsmail.org


Apply for Pick-a-Project

  • Please be sure to speak with your principal/supervisor, receiving their approval, before completing this form.
  • Please provide the best number to reach you in case of any questions.
  • Please share the social media tags that are appropriate, relevant and will help to promote your grant project
  • What subject does this project fit into?
  • What grade level(s) will this project reach?
  • What is the total amount needed for your project? Remember to include shipping & handling fees.
  • Must submit a deadline for when project fundraising efforts will close. Extensions can be given upon request.
  • Please give a brief overview of your project
  • If your answer to this question is 'Yes,' you need to receive approval from District IT before submitting the application for Pick-a-Project. You can seek approval using the IT Technology Request Form at this link (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdJ8Q4XbFWFUck4gpoXAjxtvBbiLOKcFluKe-DXiBcn4NZKzg/viewform). You can also contact Brian Douglas, the Chief Information Officer, at bdouglas@spsmail.org if you have any questions concerning IT.
  • If your answer is 'Yes' to the facilities or grounds work question, you need to receive approval from the SPS Grounds Management Department before submitting the application for Pick-a-Project. Email Brittany Taylor (brittanydtaylor@spsmail.org), Director of Custodial & Grounds, and cc: Andrew Hay (athay@spsmail.org), Assistant Director of Custodial & Grounds.
  • If your answer is 'Yes' to the facilities or grounds work question, you need to receive approval from the SPS Grounds Management Department before submitting the application for Pick-a-Project. Email Brittany Taylor (brittanydtaylor@spsmail.org), Director of Custodial & Grounds, and cc: Andrew Hay (athay@spsmail.org), Assistant Director of Custodial & Grounds.
  • Describe how funds raised will be used.
  • Describe how funds will be used if your project does not receive full funding.
  • What need will this project meet?
  • Please list the names of items to be purchased and include the cost of each. Items must be purchased through district approved vendors. Example: Goodnight Moon Book- $8 each x (# of items desired) 5= $40
  • How will this project impact your students?
  • Briefly describe the student population this project is for.
  • Upload an image that you would like attached to the project. Attachment must be a JPEG/Picture.
    Max. file size: 49 MB.