Charlotte Karr, Wilder Elementary


What is your role in Springfield Public Schools? 

I am a 3rd grade teacher at Laura Ingalls Wilder Elementary School.

How long have you been with Springfield Public Schools? 

I have been a teacher in the district for a total of 31.5 years. Twenty-eight years have been at Laura Ingalls Wilder Elementary as a 3rd grade teacher. I was a substitute in the district before I received a full-time teaching position.

We know you have several favorite memories, can you share one with us? 

One of my favorite memories is receiving a half bottle of perfume from a student whose family did not have much money. I will forever remember his face and how proud he was of his gift. I have kept this perfume in my desk drawer to remind me that little things are the best things.

What is something you will miss about SPS? 

I will miss the energy and smiles that children bring to my life every day and the wonderful teachers that I have been able to count on every day for many years.

What advice would you like to share with those who are not retiring? 

Always take a minute to remember that children have only been on this Earth for a few years. They are doing their best. Sometimes adult expectations are more than they can handle. Give them grace.
