Tonya Forbes has been with SPS for her entire teaching career. After 30 years, she will be retiring as a kindergarten teacher from Wilder Elementary but has also taught 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade. One of her favorite memories is when she helped a student struggling with math. “I tell all my students they are beautiful and handsome every day. This young lady went home and told her mom, “My teacher thinks I am beautiful and she helps me with my math. I know I can do it now.” I did not know the impact those little words made until years later when the mom came back with tears in her eyes and shared how that was a turning point of her daughters confidence.”
As Tonya prepares for retirement, she knows she will miss moments with students and the celebrations they have once they master their alphabet, begin reading for the first time, and the confidence that comes with all of their accomplishments. She will especially miss the hugs and hellos from current and former students. Tonya wants to encourage educators to make each day new and important. “Take the time to listen to their stories and let them know they have been heard and are loved and are beautiful!”
Congratulations Tonya on your retirement!