Flowing with Flocabulary will be implemented at Bingham Elementary by Mr. Ellison! Learn more about this project below! Follow the Foundation for SPS on social media for project updates!
Project Description
Flocabulary is a powerful tool to supplement student growth and development. Bingham Elementary educators, at all levels can find a video to support and extend learning by utilizing music, art and lyrics to promote memory acquisition versus rote memorization. Providing Flocabulary for our students will serve each type of learner. Studies have shown that students acquire knowledge with ease and fluency through visual, auditory and rhythmic properties. Flocabulary offers a variety of choices that highlight common terms important through the development of mathematics, social and emotional skills, growth mindset, literacy support, science and social studies, worldwide news and more through these interactive raps and songs. By Bingham Elementary providing a variety of ways for our diverse student population to learn and grow meets our districts mission to support equity and diversity in our changing climate. Having an educational based program with videos, lesson plans and projects for classrooms to utilize will build on our existing educational practices critical for our developing life long learners. Students deserve an outlet to sing, rap, dance and model academic skills by providing movement, joy and a release that many of our culturally diverse learners require each day. Support in changing the flow of how students’ knowledge is delivered and remembered for our amazing community is greatly appreciated.
Need Represented
Superintendent, Dr. Lathan asserts that our district will, ” prepare all students for tomorrow by providing engaging, relevant and personalized educational experiences today”. What is more relevant than to have engaging and personalized access to a wide range of culturally relevant, beautifully designed and impactful lyrics for all students to support learning? The students at Bingham Elementary have a variety of learning needs and at times teachers can feel the limit of our resources. Being one of the largest Title 1 schools in our district, having an approved and quality platform will facilitate excitement and passion of learning in each classroom. Furthermore, providing this standards based, academic vocabulary packed visual experience will deepen our educational impact, supporting all learners and bolster our culturally relevant practices and mission.
Academic Impact
Flocabulary was created by cultural icons who are passionate about integrating music and fine arts in schools. Many of our students aspire to be iconic, powerful and influential adults. Using a resource that inspires and taps into connections across cultures, genres and media will inspire students and showcase the many ways education is valuable, versatile and life long. The skills practiced utilizing this platform are applicable across all subject areas: whole and small groups, interventions, special education, Mindfulness and Club Encore. Studies show how media has the potential to impact impressionable learners. Using an educational based resource that provides a diverse population of learners at Bingham Elementary supports academic, social and emotional needs in an interactive way.
Student Population
Bingham serves 370 learners who come from a limited educational background. Their exposure to academic media is limited. Providing an additional way to support skill acquisition and excitement of content will provide our learning community with quality, appropriate, and applicable resources that are culturally relevant.