Jerry Gregg Memorial Scholarship

Jerry Gregg Memorial Scholarship

Hillcrest High School

In order to apply for the Jerry Gregg Scholarship you must answer yes to the following questions:
1. Are you a senior at Hillcrest High School?
2. Have you attended Hillcrest all four years of high school?
3. Are you planning to continue your education post high school?
4. Have you participated in a varsity sport?
5. Have you displayed outstanding sportsmanship?
6. Do you have a least a 3.0 GPA?

*Please note that scholastic ranking, good citizenship, personality, integrity, dependability, initiative,
perseverance and seriousness of purpose and need for financial assistance will be considered.
If you answered no to any of these questions you are not eligible for this scholarship. If you answered
yes to each question you may proceed to the application.
