Trisha Taff, the music teacher at Disney Elementary, will be singing her final farewell to SPS this year after 29 years. One of her favorite memories happened this year when she had the opportunity to join her choir, the Dynamics, with her daughters choir from Wanda Gray, the Gray T-Singers. Together they performed at the City PTA meeting and then were asked to reprise their performance at the Volunteer Banquet. “Getting to teach, rehearse and perform with Shelby was my favorite memory of the last 33 years of my career. She was in Disney’s kindergarten class the first year that I taught there, and will be taking my place next year at Disney’s new music teacher. It has truly come full circle.”
During her years with SPS, she has been able to create friendships that will last a lifetime. “I made lifelong friends during my years at SPS. My best friend is my co-worker when I taught at Cherokee, and the PE teacher at Disney.”
When asked what advice she wants to share with fellow educator she said, Hang in there! Education had changed so much during my career, and it will change each and every year of your career. It’s not always easy, or even understandable at times, but when you look back, the time spent with children has flown! I loved being a music teacher…so much that my own child decided to follow in my footsteps. I always looked forward to each new year and every performance with excitement. I hope you never lose that feeling of excitement, it is what drives the best teacher I have ever known.”